

Performance Training


Looking for a volleyball-specific training program this summer?

We’ve got you covered!

The difference between a good athlete and a great athlete is what they do off the court. All great athletes are built starting with nutrition and strength & conditioning.

Prime’ Performance’s volleyball training program is consistently recognized for increasing athletes’ performance on the court. More specifically, Prime’ training methods continuously:

  1. Add inches to athletes’ vertical jump
  2. Develop explosive multi-directional agility
  3. Maximize power output and ball velocity
  4. Increase athleticism
  5. Increase strength
  6. Reduce injuries

Building a stronger, more resilient athlete will significantly reduce risk of injury and optimize performance.

Prime’ customizes the program to directly combine the athletes’ fitness, sport-specific skills, and preventative body maintenance to build resilient, skilled and healthy athletes – the blueprint for a ‘PRIME’ athlete.

One Session


Grades 8 to 11

ON NOW: Summer Program

High School Volleyball Program

The program will run for 9 weeks from July 2nd to August 30th, 2024

No session Monday July 1st or August 5th

Mondays & Wednesdays 


Program Cost-

Full Program- 16 sessions

$434 +gst

1x/week- 9 sessions

$266 +gst

Program Registration